Jakša Puljiz, PhD

Jakša Puljiz finished MA postgraduate study Operational Research at the Faculty of Zagreb in 2005, while he received his PhD in 2009 from the Faculty of Economics in Split with theses “Factors of regional development and regional inequalities in Republic of Croatia”. His work in IRMO started in 2001 in Department for Resource Economics, Environmental Protection and Regional Development where his research interest covered topics such as regional and local development and EU Cohesion policy. Since 2017 he has been appointed as the Head of Department for European Integration where he is engaged with topics such as impact of EU policies on national public policies of member states and other countries being part of the enlargement process. As an expert he has been engaged in numerous projects funded by World Bank, European Commission, UNDP, GIZ and other international organisations. Between 2012 and 2016 he has been appointed as the Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds, and afterwards as the Prime Minister’s Economic Advisor.

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